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The only way for a woman, as for a man, to find herself, to know herself as a person, is by creative work of her own. Betty Friedan

Why I am here

Hi there! I'm a lot of things : I'm creative, an anxious over-thinker, career ambitious, a dreamer, a project starter, an organiser, a cook, a bag collector and a meditator. Sometimes I'm all of those things all at once but I am usually found in between keeping up with work and life as a mum of four and the harsh reality of failing to be everything to everyone all at once!

With my dreamy visions and yet my feet firmly planted on the ground, I often struggle to accept where I am and most of the time I flit about in between. Someone very smart once said "you can have it all but maybe not all at once". I know that! Its all about finding the right balance. This is where meditation keeps me in check.  


I know what it feels like to feel depleted, overwhelmed and lost. I know what it feels like to feel stuck, not knowing where to start, not being understood. I also know how it feels to be on top of the world, full of energy and focused on what's important. We all have the capacity to find the solution if we connect with our true nature. I can help you. I can teach you a technique which will support you in your self-development journey. An effortless meditation technique which will generate better awareness and promote deep rest. 

I hope to help you find your tulĀ (balance in sanskirt).






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